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International Women’s Day 2015

International Women’s Day 2015

08 March 2015

8 March every year: Celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

International Women's Day logoThis Day aims to highlight the importance of creating conditions for the elimination of discrimination against women and for their full and equal participation in social development.

For further information about plans for International Women’s Day each year, visit the UN International Women’s Day web pages or the separate International Women’s Day website.

To get some teaching and topic ideas for International Women’s Day, take a look at the following blog posts:

  • 100th Anniversary of International Women’s Day (2011)
  • What’s your theme for International Women’s Day? (2012)
  • Equality for women is progress for all – is this true? (2014)         

   Courtesy :http://globaldimension.org.uk/calendar/event/4438 

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