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Webinar on Politics, Governance and Public Leadership Post-COVID-19

Webinar on 7th May 2020 at 7pm (CET)

An online discussion with leading scholars and experts in politics, governance, public policy, international development and geopolitics across the world on Governance Post-COVID-19.

Experts are drawn from various regions across the world including Africa, Europe, South America and North America.


Dr. Cristina Aguiar: Former Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Dominican Republic; Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations; Professor and Researcher in International Relations and Diplomacy

Professor Mahmoud Masaeli: Professor of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa and Executive Director, Alternative Perspectives and Global Concerns (APGC)

Dr. Riel Miller: Head of Futures Literacy, UNESCO

Dr. Aderemi Oladele (Host): Founder and Lead Analyst, 3psmars International

Political Economist, Specialist in International Development and Public Policy

Mr. Abiodun Odunuga (Anchor): International Development Consultant


3PSMARS International

Alliance for Development Effectiveness

If you are a scholar or a professional working in the field of International Development, International Relations, public policy or public administration, this webinar is recommended. Feel free to share with contacts that may be interested.

Time: 7pm (CET)

Date: Thursday, May 7, 2020

Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/35FIokA 

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