
Sunday 09.03


Contemporary Issues in African Sciences and Science Education

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All Rights Reserved é 2012 Sense Publishers

No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher, with the exception of any material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work.

This work stands as a credit to the many scholars willing to share their knowledge from different locations on the complicated subject of African science education. In many ways, we believe our contributors have something valuable to say on the

topic and our job has simply been to assemble their ideas into what we hope will be seen as a coherent piece. Anyone who has put together such a volume knows it is a tremendous challenge and opportunity. We thank the many countless individuals,

colleagues, family and friends who have assisted us in this endeavour to put together the edited collection. We have been lucky to the inter-disciplinary edge and lens to the topic which in a number of ways have helped inform our own thoughts and ideas on the subject. Our contributors are engaged in some exciting work on African education and the perspectives they have shared on science education in African contexts can only help build and strengthen existing scholarship in the area. We would like to thank colleagues at our various institutions and our collective conversations that have informed the presentation of an intellectual vision for the collection. There are many but permit us to mention a few: Mr. Stephen Dennis, Dr. Thomas Tachie Young, Emmanuel Kutorglo, Marlon Simmons, Jagjeet Gill, Dr. Rosina Agyepong and Isaac Darko. We are also grateful to Professor Jophus Anamuah-Mensah, Director of the Centre for School and Community Science and Technology Studies (SACOST), University of Education, Winneba, Ghana for writing the €˜Foreword€™ to this book. We thank George J. Sefa Dei€™s doctoral student, Yumiko Kawano, of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto for the administrative and partial editorial

work to get the volume to the publisher. Working across the Trans-Atlantic has not been easy but the process has been facilitated by the love of learning that Yumiko brought to the work. We also want to thank Sense Publishers for the many ways of taking up the challenge to publish a book on Africa which is governed not strictly by market considerations but by the intellectual justice and rewards that accrue from such undertakings. The editorial staffs at Sense Publishers have been helpful and encouraging throughout the entire process from the initial conception of the idea of the book to its final production. We are deeply indebted to our individual families who have always been the backbone of our academic and professional growth and careers over the years. Finally, we dedicate this book to the young learners of today who are helping to redefine the goals, purpose and objectives of education and the role science education can and does play in African development and human condition.

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